240 research outputs found

    Sentiment and behaviour annotation in a corpus of dialogue summaries

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    This paper proposes a scheme for sentiment annotation. We show how the task can be made tractable by focusing on one of the many aspects of sentiment: sentiment as it is recorded in behaviour reports of people and their interactions. Together with a number of measures for supporting the reliable application of the scheme, this allows us to obtain sufficient to good agreement scores (in terms of Krippendorf's alpha) on three key dimensions: polarity, evaluated party and type of clause. Evaluation of the scheme is carried out through the annotation of an existing corpus of dialogue summaries (in English and Portuguese) by nine annotators. Our contribution to the field is twofold: (i) a reliable multi-dimensional annotation scheme for sentiment in behaviour reports; and (ii) an annotated corpus that was used for testing the reliability of the scheme and which is made available to the research community

    Programming fundamentals and human factors: an empirical study of three variables

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    In the present study we identify and experimentally investigate variations in the values of three important variables that are present in learning environments for programming fundamentals: the type of the source of problems (concrete vs. abstract); the type of the programming language grammar (context-free vs. natural language like); and the distance between the concepts in the source of problems and the programming language primitives (close vs. distant). We understand that the results of our research can be used to design better courses and learning material, to improve students' performance in the learning of introductory programming

    Use of separate single-tooth implant restorations to replace two or more consecutive posterior teeth: a prospective cohort study for up to 1 year

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    PURPOSE. The aim of this study was to evaluate the periodontal and prosthodontic complications of multiple freestanding implants in the posterior jaws for up to 1 year of function. MATERIALS AND METHODS. Eight patients received 20 implants posterior to canines. Two or more implants were consecutively inserted to each patient. Single crowns were delivered onto the implants. Marginal bone loss, implant mobility, probing depth, and screw loosening were examined to evaluate the clinical success of such restorations for maximum 1 year of functional loading. RESULTS. All the implants performed well during the observation period. Neither periodontal nor prosthodontic complications were found except a slight porcelain chipping. While the marginal bone level was on average 0.09 mm lower around the implant after 6 months of loading, it was 0.15 mm higher after 1 year. CONCLUSION. Within the limits of this investigation, separate single-tooth implant restorations to replace consecutive missing teeth may clinically function well in the posterior jaw

    Cosmogenic 10Be-derived denudation rates of the Eastern and Southern European Alps

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    Denudation rates from cosmogenic 10Be measured in quartz from recent river sediment have previously been used in the Central Alps to argue that rock uplift occurs through isostatic response to erosion in the absence of ongoing convergence. We present new basin-averaged denudation rates from large rivers in the Eastern and Southern European Alps together with a detailed topographic analysis in order to infer the forces driving erosion. Denudation rates in the Eastern and Southern Alps of 170-1,400mmky−1 are within a similar range to those in the Central Alps for similar lithologies. However, these denudation rates vary considerably with lithology, and their variability generally increases with steeper landscapes, where correlations with topographic metrics also become poorer. Tertiary igneous rocks are associated with steep hillslopes and channels and low denudation rates, whereas pre-Alpine gneisses usually exhibit steep hillslopes and higher denudation rates. Molasse, flysch, and schists display lower mean basin slopes and channel gradients, and, despite their high erodibility, low erosion rates. Exceptionally low denudation rates are also measured in Permian rhyolite, which has high mean basin slopes. We invoke geomorphic inheritance as a major factor controlling erosion, such that large erosive glaciers in the late Quaternary cold periods were more effective in priming landscapes in the Central Alps for erosion than in the interior Eastern Alps. However, the difference in tectonic evolution of the Eastern and Central Alps potentially adds to differences in their geomorphic response; their deep structures differ significantly and, unlike the Central Alps, the Eastern Alps are affected by ongoing tectonic influx due to the slow motion and rotation of Adria. The result is a complex pattern of high mountain erosion in the Eastern Alps, which has evolved from one confined to the narrow belt of the Tauern Window in late Tertiary time to one affecting the entire underthrust basement, orogenic lid, and parts of the Southern Alps toda

    Erratum to: Cosmogenic 10Be-derived denudation rates of the Eastern and Southern European Alps

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    Denudation rates from cosmogenic 10Be measured in quartz from recent river sediment have previously been used in the Central Alps to argue that rock uplift occurs through isostatic response to erosion in the absence of ongoing convergence. We present new basin-averaged denudation rates from large rivers in the Eastern and Southern European Alps together with a detailed topographic analysis in order to infer the forces driving erosion. Denudation rates in the Eastern and Southern Alps of 170-1,400mmky−1 are within a similar range to those in the Central Alps for similar lithologies. However, these denudation rates vary considerably with lithology, and their variability generally increases with steeper landscapes, where correlations with topographic metrics also become poorer. Tertiary igneous rocks are associated with steep hillslopes and channels and low denudation rates, whereas pre-Alpine gneisses usually exhibit steep hillslopes and higher denudation rates. Molasse, flysch, and schists display lower mean basin slopes and channel gradients, and, despite their high erodibility, low erosion rates. Exceptionally low denudation rates are also measured in Permian rhyolite, which has high mean basin slopes. We invoke geomorphic inheritance as a major factor controlling erosion, such that large erosive glaciers in the late Quaternary cold periods were more effective in priming landscapes in the Central Alps for erosion than in the interior Eastern Alps. However, the difference in tectonic evolution of the Eastern and Central Alps potentially adds to differences in their geomorphic response; their deep structures differ significantly and, unlike the Central Alps, the Eastern Alps are affected by ongoing tectonic influx due to the slow motion and rotation of Adria. The result is a complex pattern of high mountain erosion in the Eastern Alps, which has evolved from one confined to the narrow belt of the Tauern Window in late Tertiary time to one affecting the entire underthrust basement, orogenic lid, and parts of the Southern Alps toda

    No Place For Hate Speech @ AMI: Convolutional Neural Network and Word Embedding for the Identification of Misogyny in Italian

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    In this article, we describe two classification models (a Convolutional Neural Network and a Logistic Regression classifier), arranged according to three different strategies, submitted to subtask A of Automatic Misogyny Identification at EVALITA 2020. Results were very encouraging for detecting misogyny, even though aggressiveness was less accurate. Our second strategy, consisting of a Convolutional Neural Network and logistic regression to identify misogyny and aggressiveness, respectively, won the sixth place in the competition.In questo articolo, descriviamo due modelli di classificazione (i.e., Convolutional Neural Network e Regressione Logistica), organizzati secondo tre diverse strategie, per il subtask A dello shared task Automatic Misogyny Identification a EVALITA 2020. I risultati sono stati molto incoraggianti nel rilevamento della misoginia, anche se l’aggressività viene riconosciuta con una precisione più basse. La nostra seconda strategia (Convolutional Neural Network per misoginia e Regressione Logistica per aggressività) ci ha permesso di ottenere il sesto posto nella competizione

    No Place For Hate Speech @ HaSpeeDe 2: Ensemble to Identify Hate Speech in Italian

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    In this article, we present the results of applying a Stacking Ensemble method to the problem of hate speech classification proposed in the main task of HaSpeeDe 2 at EVALITA 2020. The model was then compared to a Logistic Regression classifier, along with two other benchmarks defined by the competition’s organising committee (an SVM with a linear kernel and a majority class classifier). Results showed our Ensemble to outperform the benchmarks to various degrees, both when testing in the same domain as training and in a different domain.In questo articolo, ci presentiamo i risultati dell’applicazione di un modello di Stacking Ensemble al problema della classificazione dei discorsi di incitamento all’odio nel compito A di EVALITA (HaSpeeDe 2). Il modello è stato quindi confrontato con un modello di regressione logistica, insieme ad altri due benchmark definiti dal comitato organizzatore della competizione (un SVM con un kernel lineare e un classificatore di classe maggioritaria). I risultati hanno mostrato che il nostro Ensemble supera i benchmark a vari livelli, sia durante i test nello stesso dominio di sviluppo che in un dominio diverso

    Gravitational ultrarelativistic spin-orbit interaction and the weak equivalence principle

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    It is shown that the gravitational ultrarelativistic spin-orbit interaction violates the weak equivalence principle in the traditional sense. This fact is a direct consequence of the Mathisson-Papapetrou equations in the frame of reference comoving with a spinning test particle. The widely held assumption that the deviation of a spinning test body from a geodesic trajectory is caused by tidal forces is not correctComment: 12 page